General methods for the safety of laser operations.. Use of special masks when removing viral pests to prevent the spread and inhalation of viral atoms

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The surgeon and the assistant should use special glasses for specific lasers:
Do not look directly at the laser source or at the laser reflection site. Both direct and reflected laser light may have sufficient capacity to cause permanent eye damage.
Do not allow anyone near the laser without wearing protective eyes.
Do not direct the probe arm to any direction other than to the area to be treated before activating the handpiece. Make sure that the laser light is pointing in the correct direction. The surgeon must be like a conscious soldier who directs his weapon in the right direction away from his colleagues even when it is not stuffed.
Do not use the laser if the beam (helium neon) is not visible.
If this package (which is a weak packet used to guide the direction of the heavy beam from a machine for surgical application) is not visible, first make sure that the manual safety trigger is in the open position.
Do not put hands or anything in the CO2 package passage field, because severe burning may occur.
The laser is directed only to the target, which absorbs the specific light characteristic of the laser type used without considerations taken for what is behind the target. Salsal gauze, sponge, gauze or water moisturizer can be used to protect the fabric.
The "Foot Foot Switch" should be accessible to the surgeon only, as being pushed by a ventilator may cause a laser light that may cause burns or damage to the eye.
Do not press the foot switch unless treatment begins and all precautions and safety precautions should be taken into account.
Do not try any preventive repairs on the laser.
Do not use lasers on inflamed areas.
Stand by Keep the laser in the Stand by position when you want to pull out to another area or pause for any reason to prevent accidental exposure to the light.
Masks: Special masks should be used when viral lesions are removed to prevent the spread and inhalation of viral atoms.
"Pollution Hazards" Pollution Hazards.
A suction apparatus for lasers should be used to eliminate smoke and emulsions during surgery.
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