Disseminated intravascular coagulation.. Immunosuppressive reactions. Vascular endothelial tumors. Fibrinogen deficiency, fibrin breakdown products

Disseminated intravascular coagulation:
Intravenous thrombosis may show a clinical picture ranging from a severe and rapid fatal disorder to a relatively minor disorder.
Caused by congenital or acquired deficiency of protein C and protein S of the coagulation device.
the reasons:
The causes of diffuse intravascular coagulation are:
- Extensive tissue damage.
- severe infections (infection of the blood with gram defects especially).
- Immunological reactions.
Malignant diseases.
- Vascular endothelial prophylaxis.
- The natural inhibitory mechanism of coagulation is the basis, so there is intravascular coagulation followed by consumption and thrombocytopenia and serotonin factors.
Clinical manifestations:
- Bleeding includes hemolytic anemia and staphylococcal aberrations may be severe or severe or chronic.
- Light conditions: They show bloody hemangiomas, purplish papules, hemorrhagic bubbles and endocarditis.
- There is a lack of fibrinogen, fibrin breakdown products.
- Skin biopsy may be useful in showing thrombosis or intracranial vertebrae.
- Severe cases: start with a sudden high fever and paraffin usually symmetrical and very wide on the limbs.
- Deadly warning may occur after 2 - 3 days.
- Treatment of trauma and treatment of thrombocytopenia, fibrinogen and fresh plasma.
- Treatment of symptoms.
- Treatment of cause.
The role of heparin is still somewhat debatable.
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