Diseases of apocrine glands.. Bactericidal bacteria of unsaturated fatty acids. Inflammatory thyroid glands (armpit arm). Fox Fradis' disease

Diseases of apocrine glands:
Conjugated glands are effective, small-scale glands in children. Their effectiveness is related to sex hormones and there is a role to regulate the heat, as in the diverticular glands.
Swollen glands are found in certain areas of the body, in the armpits, nipples, face, pubic, and genitals.
The secretion of the sweaty sweat glands is small in quantity and has no odor, but it gives a distinctive odor in certain conditions caused by the activity of the bactericidal bacteria of the unsaturated fatty acids, which lead to a distinct aromatic odor, ranging in age, race and emotional state.
Infections of the sweat glands mainly in the armpit are called esophageal adenomas.
The clogging of her eyes leads to the formation of a systolic or papillary, itchy and a severe itchy eruption called Fox Fradis disease.
Effective treatment includes reduction of excretion by aluminum salts and inhibition of germs in the area by shaving hair in adults, which removes residues, bacteria and keratin. Frequent cleaning of areas with soap and water.
Antibiotics topically and orally.
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