Discoid lupus erythematosus.. Hyperthyroidism with horns. Atrophy in Malbigh's cell layer. Degeneration of macular degeneration in basal cells. Lymphatic infiltration of vessels around the vessels

Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE):
Is an autoimmune but chronic disease that affects females more than males at any age, but adults are more affected than children.
The onset of lesions may be provoked by several factors such as neurological tensions, irritability, infection and severe exposure to sunlight, PUVA, and drugs such as isoniazid and glycofulfin.
Clinical manifestations:
- Clear spots, hyper-corneal, scaly red spots of different sizes appear on areas exposed to the sun, especially the face, hands and scalp. The lesions are characterized by blockage, adrenal glands, and corneal occlusion that occupy the enlarged fatty capillary ducts. The occlusive obstruction of the characteristic.
- The lesion is chronic and tends to heal with atrophy, scarring and pigment changes.
- The scalp lesions lead to a dominant atrophy.
- The expansion of capillaries is common appearance and lesions usually show hyperpigmentation at the edges.
The disease has clinical, laboratory and pathological features.
Pathological Anatomy:
Pathological anatomical changes include five major signs:
1 Hyperthyroidism with horns.
2 Atrophy in the Malbigh cell layer.
3 patches of degenerative degeneration in basal cells.
4 degenerative degeneration of the base in the glue.
5 lymphatic infiltration of vessels around the vessels.
Laboratory assets:
1 Egg Deficiency The thrombocytopenia (BFB) of the urethra may be positive.
2 LE cells are usually negative.
Differential diagnosis:
Systemic lupus erythematosus: DLE may become widespread to infect large areas of the skin and resemble the "SLE" but without systemic injury to internal organs and usually a negative LE cell.
- Multiple pigmented eruption: lesions are more superficial, scarring is minimal if a shorter pathway than DLE and a polymorphic burst occur.
- Seborrheic dermatitis: The infected areas are the fatty areas, the skin lesion is patches with limited fatty edges scaly and healing without scarring or atrophy.
Psoriasis: The dry, scaly silver spots do not show dandruff.
- Prevention is very necessary.
- Protect the patient from direct exposure to the sun using sun visors especially on the shores of the sea.
- Extreme heat and cold may exacerbate existing pests.
- Topical or oral steroids or chloroquine.
- Sometimes, some cases of Ateretin.
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