Diffuse scleroderma.. Large plaques on the chest and limbs. Dermal contraction in the skin and eyelids. Lack of blood circulation with fingers. Dyspnea and food review and constriction in the 12

Diffuse scleroderma:
Is an autoimmune disease that affects females in middle age. Multivariate injury to organs and increase of nucleic antibodies distinguishes this disease.
Clinical manifestations:
Very different according to the affected member, there is atrophy of the lack of circulation in several skin sites and other organs.
Skin manifestations:
- Skin lesions are large plaques on the chest and limbs with a clinical picture of the lesion and lesions leaving fibrous, pigmented, atrophy regions, while other forms may exhibit cluster form.
- Skin contraction in the skin and determine the movement especially around the mouth, leads to wrinkles around the mouth and a small mouth difficult to open.
- Defibrillation in the eyelids associated with the determined in the movement of the skin, a common appearance shows the expansion of capillaries especially on the face and hands.
- Generalized pigmentation as in Addison's disease may accompany some cases.
- Lack of blood circulation in the fingers leads to micro-microscopic infarctions in the fingers, absence of fingerprint with the qualities and expansion of capillaries folds of nails and finally it may lead to amputation of the finger and nail atrophy with ulceration and fibrosis.
Structural features:
Arthral pain swollen muscle inflammation and polyarthritis.
- Muscular dystrophy causes muscle injury leads to the determination of movement and contraction affects the chewing.
- Skin in the face becomes thin and semi-paper leading to the nose and the face of the mask.
- Bone necrosis and lack of calcareous bones and deposition of muscles from common manifestations.
Systemic manifestations:
- Myocardial infarction.
Reynod positive phenomenon.
- Shortness of breath due to lung injury.
- Difficulty swallowing and reviewing foods and tight in the twelve.
- A sharp rise in blood pressure.
Diagnosis methods:
- Skin manifestations and systemic factors are helpful for diagnosis.
Reynod phenomenon and hardening of the fingers.
- Increase the speed of weighting.
- "LE Cell" are rarely positive.
- ANA anti-cores in addition to other phenomena help to diagnose.
- "BFP" serological experience of syphilis may be positive.
- Immunosuppressive experiment: emergence and fluorescence in the form of a thread in the nuclei.
- Skin ulcers.
- stiffness joints.
- Shortness of breath due to injury of respiratory muscles.
- Death is usually the result of kidney or heart failure.
Treatment methods:
- Treatment is usually unsatisfactory.
- Occasional treatment: Analgesics and anti-inflammatory (Isobrufen) may relieve the pain of joints and muscles.
- General exercises (physiotherapy).
 - Heating and heated bathrooms.
- High protein nutrition.
- Thyroid Extracts Antihistamines Versinite Calcium Biodiesel Paramino Benzoyt Potassium. Are some of the drugs used in treatment, there are several reports regarding the real value of these drugs, but some are unconvincing.
- Corticosteroids and immunosuppressants have limited value.
- Chloroquine 250 mg daily for three months may show some improvement.
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