Differential diagnosis of Subcorneal pustular dermatoses.. Impetigo. Dermatitis herpetiformis. Pemphigus folacious. Eosinophilic spongiosis. Erythema multiforme. Pustular bacterid

Differential diagnosis:
- (Impetigo):
They can be easily dispersed by stimulating agents and responding to the antibiotic.
- (Dermatitis herpetiformis):
It can be separated by clinical clinical manifestations and its response to dapsone and sulfapiridine. IgA immunoglobulins can be identified in dermatitis, both in the area of ​​bubbles and in normal skin.
- (Pemphigus folacious):
It shows a bubble inside the epidermis without thrombolysis or even in response to dapsone but has a distinctly direct immune immunity.
- (Eosinophilic spongiosis):
Is different from the clinical model and positive direct immune fluorescence, but frequent biopsies may need to be taken to obtain the typical spongiform tissue.
Pustular psoriasis:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa may be closely related to either the acute von Schumbach type or small pimples or ring-shaped form.
On all clinical history, the clinical manifestations of the disease and response to dapson and the fact that the bump under the cornea is on the skin surface rather than a part of it is an important difference to differentiate between the two diseases.
Chronic chronic puberty of the child can occur a pimple under the corneal area of ​​the skin.
- (Erythema multiforme):
The distribution, symmetry, inclination of the iris and characteristic bubbles.
- (Pustular bacterid):
Generalized excitation of intestinal spasms. Upper respiratory tracts sometimes show pustules under the cornea.
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