Child syndrome.. Congenital hemorrhoids dysplasia. A redfish is a one-sided shape. Abnormalities in the limbs and central nervous system

Child syndrome:
Is a rare form of redfish shaped like:
- Congenital hemorrhoids.
- Redfish is a one-sided shape.
- Aberrations in the parties.
- Some cases show abnormalities in the central nervous system.
- Cerebral deformities.
- Pathological Anatomy: There are irregular disorders and hyperthyroidism in addition to inflammatory cell infiltration.
- Emollients and keratosis cases may be useful in mild cases, salicylic acid 2-6% in soft paraffin may remove the hard scales of squamous, but be careful to make sure that the poisoning of salicylates did not occur.
- Application of ointment containing urea sometimes useful.
- Topical preparations containing hydroxy acid such as tartaric acid, phlegotaric and pyruvic may also be used with some success.
- Both isotretinoin and etartines have been found to be of great benefit in severe cases. It should be noted that, as in the treatment of retinoids for other congenital disorders, treatment with these compounds should continue for a lifetime to maintain the therapeutic effect.
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