Causes of Oral pigmentation.. Melanoma. Gold salts. The Epic. Biosulfan. Phenothiazine. Chloropromazine. Minocycline. Chloroquine, kyakrine and hydroxyl chloroquine

Oral pigmentation:
the reasons:
- Race: especially in dark-skinned people as this is the most common cause of oral pigmentation.
Addison's disease
- melanoma tumors (melanoma)
Logger - Hansker syndrome
- Smooth pigment
- Botz Jakers syndrome: It is a facility for melanoma of the mouth or intra-oral with small intestinal complications.
- Smoking may cause hyperpigmentation of gray-brown mouth.
- Gold salts cause discoloration of the gums in purple.
- Flat lichen may cause white mouth spots.
Drugs: Antimalarial agents such as chloroquine, kyakrine, hydroxylchloroquine, may cause hyperpigmentation in mucous membranes.
- MEPACRIN: Yellow discoloration causes mucous mucosa, amyodia ken or kenidine causing black pigmentation.
- ACTH injection may cause brown pigmentation.
- Biosulfan: causes a blue line on the gums.
Cytotoxic drugs.
- Phenothiazine.
Chloropromazine may cause red or yellowish pigmentation in the skin and mucous membranes.
- Minocycline: May lead to pigmentation of bluish gray gums.
Heavy metals.
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