Carotememia - The yellow color of the skin .. The frequent intake of some vegetables and foods rich in vitamin A. Diabetes. Excessive abrasions and rubbing of clothing especially coarse clothing on the skin

The yellow color of the skin is more common in childhood and vegetarians where large amounts of carotene may show blood and urine.
This may result from:
- Frequent intake of some vegetables and foods rich in vitamin A, such as carrots and spinach. Yellow corn, sweet potato peppers and oranges. Yellow color appears especially on palms, soles and nasal folds.
- Diabetes: yellow coloration in patients with diabetes may result from hyperlipidemia or diet.
Mucous edema:
Chemical substances: Dai nitrophenol, bicarbonate, tri-nitrotholuene, saitonin, acrylavine, mipacrine, may cause hyperpigmentation.
Hemoiside Roses (red pigment)
Dark red or often reddish brown with hyperpigmentation at the bottom of the legs in dermatitis dandruff, sickle cell anemia and congenital hemorrhagic fevers of Schamburg's disease and Magusi's disease.
Reaction to clothing:
Excessive abrasions and scrubbing of clothing especially coarse clothing on the skin cause hyperpigmentation associated with the affected areas.
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