Capillaris of unknown etiology.. Schamberger 's disease. Plaque irregular plaques may exist with different pigments caused by hemocidrine infiltration, red pepper-colored patches

Capillaris of unknown etiology:
Is a non-specific vascular disease with different manifestations and shares the same anatomical manifestations as pathology.
This includes several diseases, mainly:
Schamberger's disease:
Is an improvised hyperplasia glaucoma, affecting males and other age groups that may show family readiness.
Clinical manifestations:
- Skin lesions are irregular structural plaques that may exist with different pigments caused by hemocidrine infiltration, patches similar to the color of red peppers and this is what distinguishes lesions.
- The condition usually does not cause the symptoms, although there may be some itching. A typical chronic rush may persist for several years. The eruption model changes where it may show a slow stretch with some healing in the original lesion and spontaneous healing may occur.
Differential diagnosis:
- Drug rush: Several types of drugs, especially carpalomal and other drugs may cause similar patterns of psoriasis skin lesions.
- Sensitivity to food and food additives.
- Dermatitis of the clothing.
- Hyperphagolinemia.
- Early fungus fungus.
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