TUBERCULOSIS.. Infection of the pharyngeal lymph nodes, tonsils and skin ulcers. Bone or gastrointestinal tract


Chronic joint disease between humans and animals causes a special tuberous type of inflammation in the tissues of the body that changes to a clinical infection and is clinically characterized by respiratory symptoms. The disease causes the Mycobacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis human, village and avian.


Human tuberculosis is the most dangerous species transmitted from humans to dogs, cats, monkeys and vice versa, followed by avian tuberculosis. Infection is often caused by the respiratory tract by inhalation of the causative agent with air polluted by the germ or inhalation of air exhaled by an animal or an infected person. Gastrointestinal infections can occur by eating food contaminated with germs and this is widespread in children and dog breeders. Infection can also occur by the skin, which is the most common form of infection in veterinarians when the wounds and scratches are contaminated by the causative agent.

Clinical symptoms:

Clinical symptoms in humans, dogs and monkeys are observed in three different forms:

1- Pulmonary tuberculosis:

The infection begins in the pharyngeal lymph nodes and the symptoms appear in the form of cough and cough, and then the secretions become abundant vomit and the spit may become bloody and the temperature does not rise until late in the evening accompanied by heavy sweats during the night in acute cases accompanied by cough severe chest pain and inflammation of the membrane retracts Human or animal health suffers from wasting and weight loss and dies after a period of time.

2- Non-pulmonary TB:

The infection in this case appears in the tonsils with enlargement of the lymph nodes of the neck and may appear infection in the form of bone tuberculosis or gastrointestinal tract where the infection is concentrated in the wall of the intestine and if the tuberculosis bacilli penetrated the walls of the intestines and rubber membranes then flammable lymph nodes and peritoneal loss of human or animal appetite for food And humiliates and suffers from debility and weight loss and suffering from pain.

3- Skin TB:

It is noted in the form of skin ulcers in the place of entry tuberculosis tuberculosis and the color of yellowish brown and may extend the infection to the lymph nodes of the affected area and swelling causes local pain.
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