For breast self examinations, female patient should be instructed to use the techniques of.. Inspection & palpation

For breast self examinations, female patient should be instructed to use the techniques of:

  • A- Auscultation & percussion.
  • B- Inspection & palpation.
  • C- Palpation & percussion.
  • D- Palpation & auscultation.

For breast self-examinations, the correct technique involves two of the options you listed: B. Inspection & palpation.

Here's why:

- Auscultation:

This involves listening to sounds with a stethoscope and is not relevant for breast self-examinations.

- Percussion:

This involves tapping the body to listen for internal sounds or assess density. It is also not a typical technique for breast self-examination.

- Inspection:

This involves visually examining the breasts for any changes in shape, size, dimpling, or nipple discharge.

- Palpation:

This involves feeling the breasts for lumps, bumps, or thickened areas.

Therefore, both inspection and palpation are crucial aspects of a proper breast self-examination. While auscultation and percussion might be used in medical examinations by professionals, they are not recommended for home self-checks.

Remember, it's important for women to perform regular breast self-examinations as part of their self-care routine and consult a healthcare professional if they notice any changes.
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