When palpating the bladder of an adult client, nurse Sunshine should identify which finding as normal.. hard, rough bladder

When palpating the bladder of an adult client, nurse Sunshine should identify which finding as normal?

  • a- A soft, smooth bladder.
  • b- A hard, rough bladder.
  • c- A nonpalpable bladder.
  • d- A palpable bladder located 3″ to 5″ (7.5 to 12.7 cm) above the symphysis pubis.

Answer B.

Failing eyesight, especially close vision, is one of the first signs of aging in middle life (ages 46 to 64).
More frequent aches and pains begin in the early late years (ages 65 to 79).
Increase in loss of muscle tone occurs in later years (ages 80 and older).
Accepting limitations while developing assets is socialization development that occurs in adulthood (ages 31 to 45).


Gynocytosis is the condition that affects the eye when the near vision of objects is reduced as age increases.
The mechanisms of this condition are not well known, but research strongly supports the loss of crystalline lens flexibility, despite changes in the lens's curvature due to continuous growth and loss of ciliary muscle strength (as determined by the lens).


Like gray hair and wrinkles, myopia is one of the symptoms of the normal course of aging.
The first signs of senile vision - eye strain, difficulty in vision in dim light and problems focusing on small objects or small text - are usually first observed in people between the ages of 40 and 50.

ability to focus:

The ability to focus on close objects decreases in all stages of life, from adjusting (the eye) to about 20 dB (concentration capacity at 50 mm away) in children, 10 dB at 25 (100 mm) and other levels 0.5 to 1 Diopter at age 60 (concentration less than 1-2 meters only).

The maximum expected and minimum length of stay for a corrected patient of a certain age can be determined using the HOFSTER formula: Expected range D == 18.5-0.3 × (age in years), maximum capacity (d) = 25-44 x (age in years) , Minimum (d) = 15 - 0.25 x (age in years).

The term "old man" or "old" and "opia" means "short sightedness", as is commonly known in the medical lexicons "pyramidal eyes".
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