When immediate delivery to the laboratory is not possible, refrigerate the urine at.. 4 - 6 C

When immediate delivery to the laboratory is not possible, refrigerate the urine at:

  • a. 4 - 6 C***
  • b. 40 C
  • c. 1 - 2 C
  • d. 2 - 8 C.
The urine should be refrigerated at 4 - 6 C (option a).** This temperature range helps to slow down the growth of bacteria in the urine sample

Proper Urine Sample Preservation for Medical Testing:

Importance of Proper Preservation:

Proper urine sample preservation is crucial for ensuring the accuracy of medical test results. Improper handling or storage can alter the properties of urine, leading to erroneous results or bacterial growth, rendering the analysis unusable.

Urine Sample Preservation Guidelines:

  • Refrigeration: Ideally, refrigerate urine between 2°C and 8°C as soon as possible after collection. This helps slow bacterial growth and preserves the stability of urine components.
  • Storage Duration: The maximum storage time for refrigerated urine samples varies depending on the type of test being performed. Generally, samples should be analyzed within 24 to 48 hours of collection.
  • Collection Tubes: Use sterile tubes appropriate for the type of test requested. Some tests require tubes with preservatives to maintain analyte stability.
  • Transport: When transporting refrigerated samples, maintain them at a constant temperature between 2°C and 8°C. Use insulated containers or refrigerated transport bags to maintain the proper temperature.

Special Cases:

  • Urine Culture Samples: Collect urine in a sterile tube and refrigerate immediately. Analysis should be performed within 24 hours of collection.
  • Urine Cytology Samples: Collect urine in a sterile tube and refrigerate immediately. Analysis should be performed within 12 hours of collection.

Consequences of Improper Preservation:

  • Bacterial Growth: Storage at room temperature or inadequate refrigeration promotes bacterial multiplication in urine, which can skew test results, particularly leukocyte count and urinary tract infection (UTI) testing.
  • Component Degradation: Certain urine components, such as cells or proteins, can degrade over time, altering test results.
  • Contamination: Improper sample handling, such as contact with contaminated surfaces, can introduce contaminants into urine, leading to inaccurate test results.

In Summary:

Proper urine sample preservation is essential for ensuring the reliability of medical test results. Adhering to guidelines regarding refrigeration, storage duration, and sample transport helps maintain the integrity of tests and provide accurate information about a patient's health status.
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