Proximal caries should be opened when.. Pass DE junction

Proximal caries should be opened when:

  • a- Confined within enamel...
  • b- Pass DE junction.
  • c- Dentin laterally
  • d- All of the above.

The correct answer is b- Pass DE junction.

Here's why:

a- Confined within enamel:

Proximal caries confined within enamel can often be managed non-invasively through improved oral hygiene, fluoride use, and professional remineralization treatments. Opening the tooth unnecessarily at this stage would risk damaging healthy tooth structure and potentially increase long-term complications.

b- Pass DE junction:

Once the caries lesion has broken through the dentin-enamel junction (DEJ), it has penetrated the deeper layer of the tooth and can cause irreversible damage if left untreated. At this point, opening the tooth to remove the decayed dentin and restore the tooth with a filling is necessary to prevent further progression of the caries and protect the pulp.

c- Dentin laterally:

While proximal caries can spread laterally within the dentin, simply extending the opening laterally without addressing the deeper penetration (DEJ) doesn't effectively address the core of the issue. Focusing on removing decayed dentin reaching the DEJ is crucial.

d- All of the above:

The final option combines all of the previous choices, but as we've established only option b is truly necessary for opening a proximal caries.

Therefore, the definitive indication for opening a proximal caries is when it passes the dentin-enamel junction (DEJ).

Remember, this is a general guideline, and individual cases may require different approaches based on various factors like caries severity, patient age, and overall oral health. It is always best to consult with a qualified dental professional for diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
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