Nurse Mickey is administering a purified protein derivative (PPD) test to a homeless client.. A positive reaction indicates that the client has been exposed to the disease

Nurse Mickey is administering a purified protein derivative (PPD) test to a homeless client. Which of the following statements concerning PPD testing is true?
a.    A positive reaction indicates that the client has active tuberculosis (TB).
b.    A positive reaction indicates that the client has been exposed to the disease.
c.    A negative reaction always excludes the diagnosis of TB.
d.    The PPD can be read within 12 hours after the injection.

Answer B.
A positive reaction means the client has been exposed to TB; it isn’t conclusive of the presence of active disease. A positive reaction consists of palpable swelling and induration of 5 to 15 mm. It can be read 48 to 72 hours after the injection. In clients with positive reactions, further studies are usually done to rule out active disease. In immunosuppressed clients, a negative reaction doesn’t exclude the presence of active disease.
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