Thursday, February 22, 2024

In serial dilution if folded 2 tube the dilute in number 6 is.. 1/256

In serial dilution if folded 2 tube the dilute in number 6 is:

  • A- 1/32
  • B- 1/64
  • C- 1/128
  • D- 1/256.

In serial dilution, if you fold 2 tubes, the dilution in number 6 is: 1/256.

Here's how we can arrive at the answer:

- Starting Concentration:

We typically begin with a concentration of 1.

- Folding:

Each time you fold the dilution, you essentially double the dilution factor. In this case, folding 2 tubes means the dilution factor is multiplied by 2 twice.

- Dilution Factor:

Therefore, the dilution factor for 6 folds would be 2 ^ 6 = 64.

- Final Concentration:

The final concentration in each tube is obtained by dividing the initial concentration by the dilution factor. So, for tube number 6, the concentration would be 1 / 64 = 1/256.
Therefore, option D (1/256) is the correct answer.