Tuesday, December 26, 2023

In enamel caries passing half of enamel.. Restoration

In enamel caries passing half of enamel:

  • a. Leave it.
  • b. Restoration.***
Enamel caries that has passed half of the enamel thickness should not be left untreated and requires restoration.

Tooth decay results:

Leaving untreated caries at this stage can lead to further progression of the decay, potentially reaching the dentin and pulp, causing:

- Increased sensitivity and pain:

As the caries progresses deeper, it irritates the dentin, leading to sharp pain, especially when consuming hot, cold, or sweet foods/drinks.

- Pulp involvement:

If the caries reaches the pulp, it can cause inflammation and infection, requiring more extensive and complex treatment, like root canal therapy.

- Tooth abscess:

In severe cases, the infection can spread to the surrounding tissues, forming an abscess, which is a painful and potentially dangerous condition requiring immediate dental intervention.

Dental restorations:

Therefore, early intervention with restoration is crucial to prevent these complications and preserve the tooth structure. The specific type of restoration will depend on the severity and extent of the caries, but options typically include:

- Dental fillings:

For mild to moderate caries, fillings made from composite resin, glass ionomer, or even amalgam can be used to fill the cavity and prevent further decay.

- Inlays or onlays:

For larger cavities, inlays or onlays made from porcelain or composite resin can be used to restore the affected area. These restorations are custom-made to fit the tooth precisely and provide a more durable and aesthetically pleasing solution.

Early diagnosis and treatment of enamel caries are crucial for maintaining oral health and preventing future complications. If you suspect you have enamel caries, consult a dentist promptly for proper evaluation and treatment.


this information is for general knowledge only and should not be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a qualified dentist for diagnosis and treatment of dental caries.