what is the forceps used to grasp Epulis Fissuratum during surgical procedure.. Allis forceps

what is the forceps used to grasp Epulis Fissuratum during surgical procedure?

  • A- Allis forceps
  • B- Addison
  • C- Curved hemostat.

The most appropriate forceps to grasp Epulis Fissuratum during a surgical procedure would be: C. Curved hemostat.

Here's why:

  • Epulis Fissuratum is a benign, pedunculated growth that arises from the gingival margin. It typically appears as a red, fleshy mass with a groove or indentation on its surface.
  • Curved hemostats are versatile instruments with atraumatic (minimally damaging) tips that can effectively grasp and control the pedicle of Epulis Fissuratum during surgical excision. Their curved shape allows for better access and visualization in the confined space of the oral cavity.
  • Allis forceps have sharp, pointed tips that could potentially damage the delicate tissue of Epulis Fissuratum. They are more commonly used for grasping and manipulating tougher tissues like tendons or ligaments.
  • Addison forceps are primarily used for holding and manipulating delicate tissues during dissection. While their atraumatic tips might be suitable for Epulis Fissuratum, their straight design might not provide the optimal access and control needed for the procedure.

Therefore, based on the specific characteristics of Epulis Fissuratum and the requirements of the surgical procedure, curved hemostats are the most suitable forceps for grasping and controlling the tissue during excision.

It's important to note that the choice of instrument ultimately depends on the surgeon's preference and the specific clinical situation. Other factors, such as the size and location of the Epulis Fissuratum, may also influence the choice of forceps.
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