Transverse fracture of developing teeth in the mixed dentition can be managed by.. Forced eruption

Transverse fracture of developing teeth in the mixed dentition can be managed by?
A- Forced eruption***
B- Extraction and placement of RPD
C- Placement of single tooth
D- All.

Dental development or odontogenesis is the complex process by which teeth develop, grow and appear in the mouth. In order for human teeth to develop in a healthy oral environment, enamel, dentin (or ivory), cementum and periodontium must all develop at the appropriate stages of fetal development. Milk teeth (or decidual, or temporary) begin to develop between six and eight weeks of life in utero and definitive teeth around the twentieth week of pregnancy1. If the teeth have not begun to develop at these stages, they will not be able to develop later.
The processes responsible for triggering tooth development have been the subject of a great deal of research. It is widely accepted that a certain number of molecules (growth factors, regulators, etc.) are essential in the tissues of the first branchial arch to allow this development.
Many animal species have teeth and the development of these is almost identical to that of humans. In vertebrates, several specialized structures of the epithelial tissue generate after thickening specific structures: keratinized structures (hair, nails) or exoskeletal structures (scales, teeth). Ploid scales and shark teeth are considered to be homologous organs to human teeth.
A labiogingival blade is formed in humans during the second month of pregnancy by proliferation of local ectodermal cells, around the perimeter of the primitive mouth opening and extending into a horseshoe in the oral cavity. location of what will be the future jaws. This blade is formed of the epidermal epithelium which rests on an underlying mesenchyme, is modified by widening in its external portion to form the outline of the vestibule and forming an internal crest.
Epithelial cells of the labial side of this ridge will then proliferate in sixteen and twenty places and penetrate into the underlying tissue to form the dental blade, then the dental buds, the deciduous teeth (or milk teeth). Subsequently, from the buds on the lingual slope of the deciduous buds, the thirty-two drafts of the definitive teeth will be formed.
The formation of a tooth therefore begins with a cellular aggregate, the dental germ, derived from the ectoderm from the first branchial arc of the neural crest. This tissue of ectoblastic origin will turn into a mesenchymal tissue called ectomesenchyme or ectodermal mesenchyme. The dental germ is divided into three parts: the dental bud (or organ of the enamel or adamantine organ), derived from the ectoderm, the dental papilla and the dental follicle, from the mesenchyme.
The aggregate of ectodermal cells will sink into the underlying mesenchyme and form a dental blade whose end will widen for a kind of inverted avascular cut in which will differentiate three tissues: the external adamantine epithelium ( EAE) on the superior-lateral surface, the internal adamantine epithelium (EAI) on the infero-internal surface and a zone of large stellate cells, the enamel pulp (or enamel starry reticulum, REI), located between the first two. The epithelial cells then continue to sink into the underlying tissue forming a deeper cut, a kind of bell, whose inner wall is formed of EAI cells, the outer wall of separate EAE cells by a gelatinous tissue: the jelly of the enamel. The junction zone between the outer and inner adamantine epithelia is called the cervical loop. The cells in this loop that are not separated by the starry reticulum will sink deeper and deeper into the deep tissues, forming the Hertwig's epithelial sheath that will give the root of the tooth. Part of the EAI will see its cylindrical cells differentiate into proameloblasts and ameloblasts (or formerly adamontoblasts) that will secrete the enamel that covers the tooth.
The ectodermal mesenchyme located inside the bell is called the dental papilla. It will form in its upper part, from its fibroblasts in contact with the EAI, its own epithelium, whose cells will be called odontoblasts and will be used to form the ivory that will be deposited between the ameloblasts and the odontoblasts. This deposit of ivory will cause in reaction the production of enamel by ameloblasts.
The mesenchyme located on the outside of the dental bell will condense at a certain distance from the adamantine organ into a fibrous tissue called dental follicle, which will later become the alveolar ligament (or alveolar ligament).
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