The common disease affecting the Submandibular salivary gland is.. Salivary calculi

The common disease affecting the Submandibular salivary gland is?

  • A. Salivary calculi***
  • B. Pleomorphic adenoma
  • C. Viral sialadenitis
  • D. Infected sialadenitis.

While all the options listed could affect the submandibular salivary gland, the most common one is: A. Salivary calculi (also known as sialolithiasis)

Here's why:

- Salivary calculi:

These are hardened deposits of minerals that form in the salivary glands or ducts, often due to dehydration, changes in saliva composition, or underlying medical conditions. They are the most frequent cause of submandibular gland problems, accounting for roughly 80% of cases.

- Pleomorphic adenoma:

This is a type of benign tumor that can occur in any salivary gland, including the submandibular. However, it is less common than sialolithiasis.

- Viral sialadenitis:

Viruses like mumps or cytomegalovirus can cause inflammation of the salivary glands, including the submandibular. However, acute bacterial infections are more prevalent.

- Infected sialadenitis:

While bacterial infections can affect the submandibular gland, it's more common for them to occur in the parotid gland. Additionally, "viral sialadenitis" is technically more specific, and "infected sialadenitis" could encompass both bacterial and viral causes.

Therefore, considering the higher prevalence of salivary calculi in the submandibular gland, it is the most likely answer among the options presented.

Remember, while other options are possible, the statement specifies "common disease," making salivary calculi the most appropriate choice.
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