Raiograhpic examination of urinary bladder and the urethra with the CM during urination called.. retrograte urography

Raiograhpic examination of urinary bladder and the urethra with the CM during urination called:

  • A- retrograte urography
  • B- M.C.U.G
  • C- IVU
  • D- cystogram.

The correct answer is B- M.C.U.G.


  • M.C.U.G stands for Micturition Cystourethrogram. It's a radiological examination that involves injecting a contrast agent into the bladder and then capturing images while the patient urinates. This allows for visualization of the bladder and urethra during the act of urination.
  • Retrograde urography involves injecting contrast agent directly into the urethra and then capturing images as it flows upwards into the bladder. This is primarily used to evaluate the upper urinary tract, not the bladder and urethra during urination.
  • IVU stands for Intravenous Urography. It involves injecting contrast agent into the bloodstream, which is then filtered by the kidneys and excreted in the urine. While it can visualize the urinary tract, including the bladder and urethra, it doesn't specifically capture images during urination.
  • Cystogram is a general term for any radiological examination of the bladder. However, M.C.U.G is the specific type that captures images during urination.
Therefore, M.C.U.G is the most appropriate term for the radiological examination described in the question.
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