The Art of Shoulder Finish Lines: A Deeper Look at Subgingival Preparation

Shoulder Finish Lines: A Deeper Dive

Understanding Shoulder Finish Lines:

A shoulder finish line is a type of tooth preparation margin that involves creating a chamfered or beveled edge around the tooth preparation. This design is commonly used in restorative dentistry to create a more esthetic and biocompatible restoration.

Subgingival Shoulder Finish Lines:

When a shoulder finish line is placed subgingivally, it extends below the gum line. This type of finish line offers several advantages:
  • Improved esthetics: Subgingival finish lines can help to hide the margins of restorations, making them less noticeable, especially in the anterior teeth.
  • Enhanced retention: Subgingival finish lines can provide additional retention for restorations,
  • Reduced gingival irritation: By placing the finish line subgingivally, the restoration can be more closely adapted to the contours of the tooth, minimizing the risk of gingival irritation and recession.

Challenges and Considerations:

While subgingival finish lines offer several benefits, they also present some challenges:
  • Increased complexity: Preparing a subgingival finish line can be more technically demanding for the dentist, requiring careful consideration of the gingival contour and the thickness of the restoration.
  • Potential for complications: Subgingival finish lines may be more susceptible to gingival recession and plaque accumulation if not properly maintained.
  • Need for specialized techniques: Dentists may need to use specialized techniques, such as using a retraction cord to displace the gingiva, to access and prepare the subgingival finish line.

Balancing Benefits and Risks:

The decision to use a subgingival finish line should be based on a careful assessment of the individual patient's needs and the specific requirements of the restoration. In many cases, the benefits of improved esthetics and retention outweigh the potential risks.

Additional Considerations:

  • Material selection: The choice of restorative material can also influence the decision to use a subgingival finish line. Certain materials, such as porcelain fused to metal (PFM) restorations, may be more suitable for subgingival finish lines.
  • Occlusion: The patient's occlusion must be carefully considered when designing a restoration with a subgingival finish line. The restoration should not interfere with the patient's bite or cause any discomfort.
  • Maintenance: Proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining the health and longevity of a restoration with a subgingival finish line.

In conclusion, subgingival shoulder finish lines can be a valuable technique for creating esthetic and durable restorations. However, they require careful planning, execution, and maintenance to ensure long-term success.
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