Wich of th following is not a major pathway or type of biotransformations.. Oxidation

Wich of th following is not a major pathway or type of biotransformations?
a- Oxidation***
b- Deamination
c- Reduction
d- Hydrolysis
e- Conjugation.

Oxidation It is the chemical reaction from which an atom, ion or molecule yields electrons; Then it is said to increase its oxidation state.

While this explanation is sufficient in practical terms, it is not entirely correct since although the transfer of electrons will always cause a change in the oxidation state, this change can also occur without an electron transfer.

As we will see, there are several forms of it, such as that given in a piece of apple over time, or other less domestic types, better known in the field of science.

The oxidation state of an element that is part of a compound is considered as the apparent charge with which said element is operating in that compound.

The oxidation states can be positive, negative, zero, integers and fractional.

Beyond shocks or electrical damage, water damage is one of the most common incidents likely to affect the operation of hard drives. In the event of a flood, falling a mobile terminal in water or reversal of a liquid on a computer, humidity infiltrates the chassis of devices that are not entirely hermetic. Once present inside, humidity will tackle the metal components of the electronic circuits of the hard disk or the motherboard, causing short-circuits or oxidation in passing.

This oxidation can cause a crumbling of these metal components, and prevent access to data stored on the support, which cannot be read. A major drawback when important files are affected! However, it is possible to proceed with a partial or total recovery of the data, following the processing of the hard drive in a white room. This treatment consists of a meticulous cleaning without scratching which would risk worsening degradations and dehumidification, in an environment where the intake of air is controlled. The passage in the white room is a necessity for the user to be able to find access to his data.

In addition, you should know that the ambient humidity of a room can affect the lifespan of a hard drive over the long term. In order to slow down its degradation and maximize data storage time, it is therefore advisable to store it out of humidity and not to hesitate to make copies on other supports to reduce the risks .
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