Which is not oral anti-coagulant.. enoxaprine

Which is not oral anti-coagulant?

  • a- warfarin
  • b- enoxaprine
  • c- phenidione
  • d- nicoumolone.

The correct answer is b- enoxaparin.

Enoxaparin is a low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), which is a type of anticoagulant that is administered by injection. LMWHs are not oral anticoagulants.

The other options are all oral anticoagulants:

- Warfarin:

is a vitamin K antagonist, which means it works by interfering with the body's ability to produce vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting.

- Phenindione:

is a structural analog of vitamin K, and it works by interfering with the body's ability to use vitamin K for blood clotting.

- Nicoumalone:

is a vitamin K antagonist, similar to warfarin.

Therefore, the only option that is not an oral anticoagulant is enoxaparin.

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