Obstetric U/S.. Placenta previa may be falsely diagnosed in the presence of over distended maternal UB

Obstetric U/S:
A- Fetal heart can be reliably diagnosed at 6W of gestation…. True
B- The diagnosis of duodenal obstruction can not be established by antenatal U/S…. False
C- Most cases of anencephaly are associated with polyhydramnios…. True (50%)
D- Fetal growth retardation affects abdominal perimeter before BPD… True
E- Placenta previa may be falsely diagnosed in the presence of over distended maternal UB… True
F- An enlarged placenta is a feature of maternal DM… True
G- Calcification of the placenta is associated with intrauterine growth retardation… True
H- Spina bifida is reliably diagnosed at 14W of gestation….False (24W)
I- BPD is an accurate measurement of gestational age up to 36W…. False
J- There is recognized association between single umbilical artery and fetal anomalies… False
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