fluoroscopic imaging of the ileocecal valve is generally part of.. small -bowel series

fluoroscopic imaging of the ileocecal valve is generally part of:

  • A. esophagram
  • B. upper GI series
  • C. small -bowel series
  • D. ERCP

The correct answer is: C. small-bowel series

Here's why:

- Esophagram (A):

Primarily focuses on the esophagus and upper part of the stomach, not reaching the ileocecal valve.

- Upper GI series (B):

Similar to an esophagram, typically covers the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum, excluding the ileocecal valve.

- ERCP (D):

Examines the bile ducts and pancreatic duct, not the ileocecal valve.

- Small-bowel series (C):

Specifically designed to visualize the entire small intestine, including the ileum and the ileocecal valve. Fluoroscopic imaging plays a crucial role in this procedure to assess motility, detect abnormalities, and confirm contrast medium passage through the entire small bowel and into the cecum.

Therefore, fluoroscopic imaging of the ileocecal valve is most commonly associated with a small-bowel series.
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