determination analysis of solution depend on.. nature of solute. type of solution

determination analysis of solution depend on:

  • A- nature of solute
  • B- type of solution
  • C- analyzer
  • D- a.b

The determination analysis of a solution depends on both the nature of the solute and the type of solution. This means option D (a & b) is the correct answer.
Here's why:

Nature of the solute:

The different chemical and physical properties of the solute directly impact the analysis. For example, the size, charge, and reactivity of the solute molecule will influence the chosen analytical method.
Some common properties considered include:

- Molecular weight:

Larger molecules might require different techniques compared to smaller ones.

- Functional groups:

Specific functional groups, like acids or bases, might need specialized methods for accurate quantification.

- Solubility:

Highly soluble solutes might be easier to analyze compared to those with low solubility.

Type of solution:

The physical state of the solution (solid, liquid, or gas) also plays a role in choosing the appropriate analytical method.
For example, analyzing a gas sample would require different techniques compared to a liquid sample.
Some common types include:

- Aqueous solutions:

These are solutions where water is the solvent. They are the most common type and can be analyzed using various methods like spectroscopy, chromatography, or pH measurement.

- Non-aqueous solutions:

These solutions use a solvent other than water. The choice of analytical method will depend on the specific solvent and its properties.

- Gaseous solutions:

These involve gases dissolved in another gas. Specialized techniques like gas chromatography are often used for analysis.


While the analyzer itself doesn't directly determine the analysis, it plays a crucial role in the accuracy and efficiency of the analysis. Different analyzers are designed for specific types of solutes and solutions. Choosing the right analyzer is essential for obtaining reliable results.

Remember, it's always best to consult with a qualified chemist or analyst to determine the most appropriate method for analyzing a specific solution based on its unique characteristics.
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