Cushing syndrome caused by taking

Cushing syndrome caused by taking:

  • A- Glucocorticoid drugs
  • B- tumor secret high cortisol level......

Both A. Glucocorticoid drugs and B. tumor secreting high cortisol level can cause Cushing syndrome.

Here's a breakdown of the causes:

- Exogenous Cushing syndrome:

This is caused by taking glucocorticoid medications for extended periods. These medications mimic the effects of cortisol, and prolonged use can lead to an overabundance of cortisol-like activity in the body, mimicking the symptoms of Cushing syndrome.

- Endogenous Cushing syndrome:

This is caused by the body itself producing too much cortisol. This can happen due to:
  • Pituitary tumors: A tumor in the pituitary gland can overproduce ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), which stimulates the adrenal glands to make too much cortisol.
  • Adrenal tumors: Tumors in the adrenal glands can overproduce cortisol directly, independent of ACTH levels.

Therefore, both taking glucocorticoid drugs and having a tumor secreting high cortisol levels can lead to Cushing syndrome, although the mechanisms and sources of the excess cortisol differ.

Remember, Cushing syndrome is a serious condition with potentially life-threatening complications. If you suspect you or someone you know might have Cushing syndrome, it's crucial to seek medical attention promptly for proper diagnosis and treatment.
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