All of these are anticholinergics except.. Mebeverine

All of these are anticholinergics except:

  • a- Atropine sulphate.
  • b- Hydroatropine.
  • c- Ipratropium bromide.
  • d- Butrepium bromide.
  • e- Mebeverine.***

identifying the non-anticholinergic amongst these options requires a closer look.
Here's the breakdown:


- Atropine sulphate (a):

Classic anticholinergic, used to treat various conditions like muscle spasms, bradycardia, and ophthalmic disorders.

- Hydroatropine (b):

Similar to atropine, used for similar indications.

- Ipratropium bromide (c):

Anticholinergic bronchodilator, used to treat respiratory conditions like COPD and asthma.


- Butyropium bromide (d):

This is where things get tricky. While it shares some structural similarities with anticholinergics, it actually belongs to a different class of drugs called quaternary ammonium anticholinesterases. These drugs increase acetylcholine levels by inhibiting its breakdown, making them the opposite of anticholinergics.

- Mebeverine (e):

Another non-anticholinergic, it belongs to a class called smooth muscle relaxants. Its mechanism of action is not directly related to acetylcholine, hence it doesn't fit the anticholinergic category.

Reasoning and Explanation:

  • Options a, b, and c all directly block acetylcholine receptors, exhibiting classic anticholinergic effects.
  • Butyropium bromide (d) works by inhibiting the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, leading to increased levels and opposing anticholinergic effects.
  • Mebeverine (e) acts directly on smooth muscle, bypassing the cholinergic system altogether.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. Butyropium bromide. Remember, even though it might appear similar to anticholinergics due to its structure, its mechanism of action and effects are entirely different.

Always consult a healthcare professional for accurate medical information and treatment options.
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