All of the following are functions of the skeletal system EXCEPT.. Support soft tissue

All of the following are functions of the skeletal system EXCEPT:
a) Hematopoiesis
b) Allow movement
c) Storage of 90% of potassium
d) Support soft tissue
e) Protect organs

The bone system is the set of organs that support, shape and protect the body. If the bone system did not exist, we would be a deformed and flattened mass.

The bone system is also known as the skeletal system and also allows the movement of the body. This is how the bones together with the muscles work in teams to allow the mobility of the human body.

Structure of the human bone system:
The bone system in humans is divided into:
- Axial skeleton: forms the central axis of the body, which includes the head, the spine and the rib cage.
- Appendicular skeleton: represented by the members that are connected to the axial skeleton and includes the pelvic girdle and the shoulder girdle (the shoulders).

Axial Skeleton:
The human skeleton is essentially composed of a long spine placed vertically in the midline. On its upper extremity the skull rests and on its lower extremity it is attenuated and sharpened to form the sacrum and coccyx, vestige of the animals' tail.

From the middle part of the column, some bony arches, the ribs, are articulated in the anterior part of the sternum. The ribs, the spine and the sternum circumscribe a wide space, the thorax.

The spine is made up of the vertebrae, bone, discoid and overlapping elements. In humans there are 33 or 34 vertebrae, distributed in four parts:
1- cervical portion: 7 vertebrae.
2- Back portion: 12 dorsal vertebrae.
3- Lumbar portion: 5 vertebrae.
4- Pelvic portion: 9 or 10 pelvic vertebrae that are welded and form two distinct pieces, the sacrum and the coccyx.

The thorax is a bony and cartilaginous cavity in which the lungs and the heart are housed. The sternum is a flat and unique bone located in the anterior part of the thorax.

The ribs are long, flat bones that curve around the chest. In humans there are 24 ribs, 12 on each side of the sternum; divided into two:

1- true ribs: the first seven pairs of ribs that articulate with the sternum.
2- False or floating ribs: they are the last five pairs that have no direct relationship with the sternum

Bone head:
The head is divided into two parts: the skull and the face. The skull comprises a set of bones that form a kind of box, where the organs of the brain are housed. In total there are eight bones, four pairs (two parietal and two temporal) and four odd ones (the frontal, the ethmoid, the sphenoid and the occipital).

Most of the sense organs are housed in the face and allows chewing. It is divided into two parts:
1- Lower jaw: consisting of a single bone.
2- Upper jaw: composed of thirteen bones.

Appendicular skeleton:
Two pairs of members are implanted on each side of the thorax and the lower part of the spine: the upper limbs or arms and the lower limbs or legs.

Upper or thoracic limb:
The upper or thoracic limb is formed by four segments:
1- The shoulder: o shoulder girdle, consisting of the clavicle and the shoulder blade (or scapula).
2- The arm: where the humerus is found as the only bone.
3 - The forearm: consisting of two bones, the ulna or ulna and the radius.
-4: comprises twenty-seven bones distributed in the carpus, metacarpus and fingers.

Lower member:
The upper or thoracic limb is formed by four segments:
1- The shoulder: o shoulder girdle, consisting of the clavicle and the shoulder blade (or scapula).
2- The arm: where the humerus is found as the only bone.
3 - The forearm: consisting of two bones, the ulna or ulna and the radius.
4- The hand: comprises twenty-seven bones distributed in the carpus, metacarpus and fingers.

Lower member:
The bones of the lower limbs are more robust since they support the weight of the body and the effort resulting from the movement.
1- The pelvis: or pelvic girdle is the site of union of the lower limbs.
2- The thigh: where the longest bone in the body, the femur.
3- The leg: with the tibia and the fibula
4 - The foot: includes the tarsus, metatarsus and phalanges.

Functions of the bone system:
Protection of body organs
Due to the hardness of the bones and the way they are arranged, the bone system is critical for the protection of key organs in the animals' bodies.

For example, the skull protects the brain, the rib cage protects the heart and lungs and the spine protects the spinal cord.

Body weight support:
The bone system allows us to stand against the force of gravity. Most bones are covered by muscles that are inserted into the bones through the tendons.

Storage of calcium and phosphorus:
Calcium is one of the most important minerals for living things. Bone is stored in the bones, which represents 99% of body calcium.

The hormones that have a preponderant role in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus are parathyroid hormone and calcitonin, as well as the active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol.

Blood cell production:
Inside the bones is the bone marrow, where the cells that circulate in the blood are produced: red blood cells and white blood cells. The process of blood cell formation is called hematopoiesis.

Mechanical function:
The movement is possible thanks to the joint action of muscles and bone system: walking, jumping, turning, running and sitting are possible due to the effect of hinges and levers that form bones and muscles. Even breathing is driven by the movements of the rib cage.

Bone system components:
The bone system is composed of connective tissue, which includes:
- bone tissue,
- dense collagen connective tissue and
- the cartilage.
This tissue forms what the components of the bone system are: the skeleton, the cartilage, the tendons, the ligaments and the joints.

The skeleton is the set of bones, the main component of the bone system. The word "skeleton" derives from the Greek skeleton which means "dry matter."

Bones are whitish, hard and resistant organs. They are formed by a type of mineralized connective tissue, which contains collagen and calcium phosphate, which gives it its hardness.

The cartilage covers and protects the ends of the bones where there is friction. It also shapes the nose and ears. In the adult human being there is relatively little cartilage; on the other hand, in the fetus and in childhood, a large part of the bone system presents cartilage, which is then transformed into bone.

Tendons are the point of contact between bones and muscles.

Ligaments are hard bands that hold the bones in the joints together.

The joint is a structure that is inserted between the rigid parts of the skeleton to allow movement. There are three kinds of joints according to their function:
1- Mobile joints or diarthrosis
2- Semi-mobile joints or amphiarthrosis.
3- Stationary joints or synarthrosis.
Arthritis is the branch of anatomy that studies the joints. In some joints there is synovial fluid, a viscous liquid that allows them to be lubricated.

How many bones has the human body?
The human skeleton is an endoskeleton that consists of 206 bones when it reaches an adult. But at birth, the baby has more than 300 bones. The reduction of 300 to 206 bones is due to the fact that in the development process some bones merge with others, as in the bones of the hand.

Types of bones:
Bones can be classified into:
- Long bones: like the femur, the tibia and the humerus.
- Flat bones: like the frontal, the parietal and the ribs.
- Short bones: such as phalanges, carpal bones and tarsus.

Bone parts:
We can find in the bones a "spongy" part, formed by visible trabeculae or holes and a compact part or cortical bone. The bone is also covered by a dense pcapa known as periosteum.

The long bone bone has several parts:
- Epiphysis: are the ends of the long bones.
- Diaphysis: it is the central portion that surrounds the space where the bone marrow resides.
- Metaphysis: it is the connection between the epiphysis and the diaphysis of the bones.

Diseases of the bone system:
As in any other system of the body, the bone system may suffer problems that compromise its functioning. These problems can be congenital or acquired in the course of life.

Hypophosphatasia is an inherited disease where bone-forming cells, osteoblasts, cannot function properly.

Osteoporosis is the consequence of thinning bone mass. It is much more frequent in postmenopausal women, because, when the secretion of female hormones (estrogens) is suspended, bone metabolism is activated.

Rickets is caused by a reduction in calcium absorption at the intestinal level. This may be due to lack of vitamin D in the diet or insufficient sun exposure.
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