the effective energy of the x-ray beam is increased by increasing the.. milliamperage

the effective energy of the x-ray beam is increased by increasing the:

  • 1. added filtration
  • 2. kilovoltage
  • 3. milliamperage
  • A. 1 only
  • B. 3 only
  • C. 1 and 2 only
  • D. 1,2 and 3

The correct answer is C. 1 and 2 only. Here's why:

- Added filtration:

Adding filtration to the X-ray beam actually decreases the effective energy of the beam by selectively removing lower-energy photons. It filters out softer X-rays, leaving behind harder, higher-energy X-rays. Therefore, option 1 is incorrect.

- Kilovoltage (kV):

Increasing the kV directly increases the potential difference across the X-ray tube, which results in the generation of X-rays with higher energies. Thus, option 2 is correct.

- Milliamperage (mA):

Milliamperage controls the tube current, which affects the intensity of the X-ray beam but not its energy. Hence, increasing mA does not increase the effective energy, making option 3 incorrect.

Therefore, only increasing the kV (option 2) and not adding filtration (option 1) effectively increases the energy of the X-ray beam. So, the correct answer is C. 1 and 2 only.
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