cleidocranial dysostosis characteristic

cleidocranial dysostosis characteristic:

  • A- supernumerary of teeth.
  • B- Clevical problems.

While you're on the right track, both options A and B are actually characteristics of cleidocranial dysostosis (CCD). So, the answer is not straightforward.

Let's break it down:

A. Supernumerary teeth:

This is true. Individuals with CCD can have extra teeth, commonly occurring in the upper jaw behind the incisors.

B. Clevical problems:

This is also true. The most prominent feature of CCD is the absence or incomplete development of the collarbones (clavicles). This can lead to characteristic symptoms like drooping shoulders, wide spacing between the shoulders, and inability to raise the arms above the head.

Therefore, both A and B are characteristics of cleidocranial dysostosis. This condition also presents with other features like delayed skull closure, short stature, and hearing loss.

For a more comprehensive understanding of CCD, you can explore additional resources on medical websites or consult a healthcare professional.
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