with weeping canal we use.. CaOH

with weeping canal we use:

  • A- GP.
  • B- CaOH.
In the context of managing a weeping canal, the use of both GP (Gutta-percha points) and CaOH (calcium hydroxide) can be considered, depending on the specific situation and the dentist's treatment plan.
Here's a breakdown of their potential roles:

GP (Gutta-percha points):

- Primary use:

Gutta-percha is the material used for permanent root canal filling. In some cases with a weeping canal, GP points might be used temporarily to absorb exudate and prevent further contamination while waiting for the inflammation to subside.

- Drawbacks:

Using GP for a weeping canal can be risky as it can potentially trap bacteria and hinder the resolution of the inflammation. It's crucial to ensure proper cleaning and disinfection before placing GP points.

CaOH (calcium hydroxide):

- Primary use:

CaOH is a commonly used intracanal medicament in weeping canals. It has several beneficial properties:
  • Antibacterial: CaOH has a high pH that helps kill bacteria within the root canal.
  • Anti-inflammatory: CaOH promotes healing and reduces inflammation in the surrounding tissues.
  • Apexification: In cases with open apices (incomplete root development), CaOH can stimulate the formation of hard tissue, potentially helping to close the apex.

- Drawbacks:

CaOH can be irritating to the periapical tissues if extruded beyond the apex. Proper placement and monitoring are essential.


The choice between using GP or CaOH for a weeping canal depends on various factors, including:

- Severity of the exudate:

If the exudate is minimal, GP might be used temporarily. For persistent or heavy exudate, CaOH is preferred.

- Presence of periapical inflammation:

If inflammation is present, CaOH is the better option due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

- Stage of treatment:

In early stages, CaOH might be used to control inflammation before definitive filling. Later, GP might be used for permanent filling.


  • This information is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.
  • Consult with a qualified dentist for diagnosis and treatment of a weeping canal. They will determine the best approach based on your individual case.
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