When we do CBC we checked - Dentist see in CBC

When we do CBC we checked:


Dentist see in CBC:

  • A- RBCs, WBCs, platelet, HB*** 
  • B- RBCs, WBCs, platelet, HB, k.
  • C- RBCs, WBCs, HCT, HCT, platelets, Hb.
  • D- RBCs, WBCs, HCT, HCT, platelets, Hb, calcium.

The most accurate answer for what a dentist is interested in when looking at a complete blood count (CBC) is: A. RBCs, WBCs, platelets, HB.

Here's why the other options are less relevant:

- B. k:

Potassium (k) is not typically included in a standard CBC and wouldn't be of primary interest to a dentist.

- C. HCT twice:

Hematocrit (HCT) is only listed once in a CBC result. Repeating it wouldn't provide additional information.

- D. Calcium:

Calcium is not part of a standard CBC and wouldn't be used by a dentist to assess oral health or potential complications.

Basic Elements:

Therefore, a dentist looking at a CBC would primarily focus on the following components:

- RBCs (Red blood cells):

Low red blood cell count (anemia) could indicate oxygen supply issues that might affect wound healing after dental procedures.

- WBCs (White blood cells):

Elevated white blood cell count could indicate infection or inflammation, impacting treatment decisions.

- Platelets:

Platelet count plays a role in blood clotting and is important for minimizing bleeding during and after dental procedures.

- Hb (Hemoglobin):

Hemoglobin measures the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells and can be relevant for assessing potential anemia and its impact on healing.

While other elements in a CBC might be relevant in specific situations or for patients with underlying medical conditions, the core components listed in option A are the most commonly seen and utilized by dentists when interpreting a CBC.

Remember, dentists and physicians have different areas of expertise. While a CBC can offer valuable information for both, the specific elements they focus on and the interpretations they draw will differ based on their specialties and the context of patient care.
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