When take an x-ray to pregnant lady, we use all of this method EXCEPT.. Bisecting algle (short cone) 8 inch

When take an x-ray to pregnant lady, we use all of this method EXCEPT: 

  • A. Digital x-ray.
  • B. High sensitive film.
  • C. Paralleling tech (Long cone) 16 inch.
  • D. Bisecting algle (short cone) 8 inch.
  • E. Lead apron with thyroid collar.

Out of the listed options, the method you should NOT use when taking an x-ray of a pregnant woman is: D. Bisecting angle (short cone) 8 inch.

Here's why:

- Digital x-ray:

This option is actually preferable for pregnant women as it emits significantly less radiation compared to traditional film X-rays.

- High sensitive film:

This type of film can also reduce the radiation dose needed to capture a clear image.

- Paralleling technique (Long cone) 16 inch:

This technique helps in minimizing scatter radiation and radiation exposure to the fetus.

- Lead apron with thyroid collar:

This is essential to shield the mother's abdomen and thyroid gland, which are particularly sensitive to radiation during pregnancy.

Pregnant Women:

The bisecting angle technique generally involves using a shorter distance between the X-ray source and the film and aiming the beam at an angle to visualize specific structures. While effective for certain X-rays, it's not ideal for pregnant women because:

- Shorter cone distance:

This results in a wider X-ray beam, increasing the area of exposure to the fetus.

- Angled beam:

This can expose the fetus to more scattered radiation compared to the paralleling technique, where the beam is directed straight through the area of interest.

Therefore, to minimize radiation exposure to the fetus while still obtaining necessary diagnostic information, the paralleling technique with a long cone distance is the preferred method for X-rays on pregnant women.

Suitability Options:

Here's a table summarizing the suitability of each option:


Suitable for pregnant women?


Digital x-ray


Lower radiation dose

High sensitive film


Reduces radiation needed for clear image

Paralleling technique (Long cone) 16 inch


Minimizes scatter radiation and fetal exposure

Bisecting angle (short cone) 8 inch


Increased radiation exposure to fetus due to shorter cone distance and angled beam

Lead apron with thyroid collar


Shields mother's abdomen and thyroid gland

Remember, any X-ray on a pregnant woman should only be performed if absolutely necessary and with the lowest possible radiation dose. Always consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action for each individual case.
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