What is the size (Volume) of Maxillary Sinus.. 14 ml

What is the size (Volume) of Maxillary Sinus:

  • A. 14 ml ***
  • B. 20 ml
  • C. 9 ml
  • D. 30 ml

  • Maxillofacial Secret 2nd Edition
  • The average size of the maxillary sinus is 14.75 ML
  • with a range of 9.5-20 cc. On average, the width is 2.5 cm height, 3.75 cm and depth 3 cm.
  • The average volume of the sinus is 15ml.

Based on the information provided, you are correct! The average size (volume) of the maxillary sinus is A. 14 ml.

Here's a summary of the information presented:

- Maxillofacial Secret 2nd Edition:

This source states the average size of the maxillary sinus as 14.75 ml with a range of 9.5-20 cc.

- On average:

This emphasizes that 14.75 ml is the typical or expected size.

- Height, width, and depth:

While knowing the dimensions (2.5 cm width, 3.75 cm height, and 3 cm depth) can help estimate the volume, the provided average volume of 15 ml is more accurate and readily available.

Therefore, based on the specific information provided, 14 ml is the most accurate representation of the average size (volume) of the maxillary sinus.
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