The end of the first stage of labor is.. Full dilatation of cervix up to 10 cm

The end of the first stage of labor is:

  • A. When the cervix starts to dilate.
  • B. Full dilatation of cervix up to 10 cm.
  • C. Birth of baby.
  • D. Separation of placenta.

The end of the first stage of labor is: B. Full dilatation of cervix up to 10 cm.

Here's why:

- First stage of labor:

This stage involves the cervix dilating (opening) and thinning (effacing) to allow the baby's head to pass through.

- Cervical dilatation:

This process starts with the cervix being closed (0 cm) and progresses gradually until it reaches full dilatation (10 cm).

- Transition phase:

The final part of the first stage is called the transition phase. During this phase, the cervix reaches full dilatation, contractions become stronger and more frequent, and the urge to push may begin.

- Second stage of labor:

Once the cervix is fully dilated, the second stage of labor begins, which involves pushing and delivering the baby.

Therefore, option B is the most accurate representation of the end of the first stage of labor.
It's important to remember that labor can be a variable process, and the time taken for each stage can differ between women. However, full cervical dilatation is generally considered the defining mark of the end of the first stage of labor.
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