Odontogenic infection can cause Least complication.. cavernous sinus thrombosis

Odontogenic infection can cause Least complication:

  • A- Pulmonary abscess.
  • B- Peritonitis.
  • C- Prosthetic valve infection.
  • D- cavernous sinus thrombosis.

The least likely complication to be caused by an odontogenic infection among the listed options is: D - Cavernous sinus thrombosis

Here's why:

- Pulmonary abscess:

While less common than some other complications, odontogenic infections can spread to the lungs through the bloodstream or aspiration of infected material, leading to abscess formation.

- Peritonitis:

Although rare, severe odontogenic infections can spread to the abdominal cavity through the lymphatic system or direct perforation of the diaphragm, causing peritonitis.

- Prosthetic valve infection:

Individuals with prosthetic heart valves are at increased risk of developing infections from any source, including odontogenic bacteria. These infections can be serious and require prompt treatment.

- Cavernous sinus thrombosis:

This is a potentially life-threatening complication of odontogenic infections that occurs when bacteria spread to the cavernous sinus, a large vein located at the base of the skull. It can cause severe symptoms like headache, vision loss, and stroke.

Therefore, while all the listed complications are possible, cavernous sinus thrombosis is the least likely due to its specific location and the complex pathway required for bacteria to reach it from the oral cavity. However, it's important to note that any odontogenic infection has the potential to be serious and should be treated promptly to minimize the risk of any complications.
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