Diagnosis for incipient proximal caries in primary teeth.. Visual examination

Diagnosis for incipient proximal caries in primary teeth is by:

  • A- Tactile.
  • B- Visual examination.
  • C- Radiograph.

The most appropriate answer for diagnosing incipient proximal caries in primary teeth is: B. Visual examination

Here's why:

- Tactile examination (a):

While useful for detecting cavitation or frank caries, it is not sensitive enough to reliably diagnose incipient lesions, which are still confined to the enamel layer.

- Radiograph (c):

While radiographs can detect incipient caries, they are not always the first-line choice for primary teeth due to concerns about radiation exposure and their lower sensitivity for detecting early lesions in enamel compared to visual examination. Additionally, radiographs may not be necessary for all cases, especially when the diagnosis is relatively clear from clinical examination.

Examine the Teeth:

Therefore, visual examination remains the primary method for diagnosing incipient proximal caries in primary teeth. Dentists will use a bright light, dental mirror, and explorer to carefully examine the teeth and look for signs of early decay, such as:
  • White or chalky areas on the enamel surface.
  • Loss of translucency.
  • Sticky feeling on the tooth surface.
In some cases, additional diagnostic aids like fiberoptic transillumination or DIAGNOdent® may be used to confirm the diagnosis or assess the extent of the lesion.

It's important to note that the diagnosis of incipient caries can be challenging, and the chosen method may vary depending on the specific case and the dentist's judgment. However, in most cases, visual examination remains the most effective and reliable approach for early detection of caries in primary teeth.
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