Ways and means that help health exclude food poisoning disease.. Exclusion of animals and people with particular diseases and intestinal catarrh

The need to pursue ways and means good health in food production factories, restaurants and facilities to provide competent foods at home.
Cleaning and disinfection of equipment, tools and cleaning walls and floors cleaner staff on food and specialists by Prepared and submission and wash your hands frequently.
Keeping food chilled (about 4 m 5)
Examination of food products and places cooked and workers Bacteriological hands to make sure they are free of any contamination, and create conditions to reduce the growth of harmful microbes and their reproduction and transmission.
Cook food thoroughly.
Exclusion of animals and people living with intestinal diseases especially colds and other.
Not eating cooked mollusks others.
Permanent cleansing food factories and quality control and cleansing cleanser.
The use of clean water for drinking and food processing.
Examination of food, especially raw materials before processing and finished products.
Veterinary health control attention on animals before slaughter.
Focus on health awareness and counseling for mothers in permanent homes and students in schools and workers in the factories and all segments of society in general.
Focus on the follow-up statistics and sources of food poisoning and causes.
Increased recruitment of veterinarians and observers in all health institutions public and private food.
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