Specialized defenses Specific Defenses.. Lymphoid cells. White blood cells that eat up bacteria

Threat to the human body in some cases of microbial cells him and that can not be prevented by non-specialized defense mechanisms mentioned earlier. In such cases must rely on a specialized defensive means against a specific antigen. Antigen is a protein (or sugar-) body can distinguish biological reactions that you get when you get inflammation inflammatory reaction That wound cause mast cellscells To release histamine, which works to expand the blood vessels and material firings bradykinin  Stimulates nerves to feel pain. Gather white blood cells begin to devour the bacteria.
That is his return. Microbes antigens, But antigens may be part of a strange cell or a cancerous cell. And since we are They do not have immunity towards our cells so we can say that the immune system the ability to let us know about things belonging to the body from those alien body immune usually continues for a period of time. For example, when healing the individual from measles, it usually does not catch measles Pfyrus again. The immune mainly the outcome of the impact of lymphoid cells and lymphocytes. And exudes lymphocytes in the bone marrow (character refers to the bone marrow) either lymphoid cells and sprinkle in Altoth gland (The letter to Altoth). And also called lymphocytes cells that are plasma cells. And that the latter are configuring antibodies which are made from proteins have the ability to link with antigens and neutralized (modified impact) and secrete antibodies into the blood and lymph. Either lymphoid cells or cells, it may not be antibodies, but that certain type of cells directly attacking other cells bearing antigens. As for the rest of the cells, they contribute to the regulation of the immune response. Lymphoid cells the ability to distinguish a specific antigen because their surfaces contain receptors. And form receptors located on the surface of lymphocytes complement to a particular antigen. It is often said that the future and antigen complement each other, as is the case in the lock and key. During the period of our lives we are exposed to approximately one million antigen is different, so there is a need for the presence of the same number of lymphocytes different for the purpose of prevention of these antigens, so there must be a diversity in lymphoid cells to the extent that there is a cell lymphocyte special specific antigen. In spite of this diversity there is no cell lymphocyte attack in normal cases the body's own cells. And thought that if he appeared lymphocyte cell coincidence so be prepared to respond to the body's own proteins this cell and stop its development.
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