Sharp drop in blood sugar.. Alert sugars secretion of insulin from the pancreas

The sharp drop in blood sugar of the most important side effects of insulin therapy.
This happens because:
* Use a large dose of insulin.
** Work effort an extraordinary athlete.
** Delay or not to take a meal.
In the case of a healthy person eating a meal leads to high blood sugar, but soon returns to normal level
Because alert sugars secretion of insulin from the pancreas. But insulin secretion not continue and only got a sharp drop in blood sugar due to the release of another hormone anti-insulin, a glucagon (Glucagon), Which runs in the circulatory system and stop the secretion of the hormone insulin. This physiological process unfortunately do not occur in a person with diabetes who are treated with insulin, as give a large amount of insulin will cause a sharp drop in blood sugar. 
And they need to educate diabetics and insulin dose should be reduced when their intention to engage in sport and be done by 5-10 units start until a dosage adjustment. In contrast, should be given a slight increase of insulin before a meal containing high calories or in the case of eating foods not allowed in normal circumstances, for example when you invite a diabetic for lunch or dinner open.
Although the signs and symptoms of severe hypoglycemia in the blood due to insulin are well known, but it is often difficult to differentiate between this case medical and acute diabetic coma resulting from the increased level of sugar in the blood. Unfortunately it has been treating many cases of severe hypoglycemia in the blood due to complications of insulin injected insulin. And diabetic patients usually are advised to wear a bracelet on his wrist or catenary or placed in the card portfolio to speed therapeutic intervention in emergency cases.
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