Risk factors that may lead to high blood pressure.. Increase the level of blood fats and deposited by a wall of blood vessels

1 Age and sex Increase the chances of developing high blood pressure is generally higher incidence in women, but with age whenever Age As That infection in women greater than the rate of men.
2 - a family history of the disease Studies have shown that in the case of injury to one parent with high blood pressure, it increases children's risk High blood pressure.
3 - to increase the level of blood fats and deposited the vascular wall.
4 - Obesity risk of blood pressure when a person is more chubby than in person Normal, also noted that the weight loss in patients with blood pressure obese improves their cases Varying degrees. The more body weight, Whenever he needed more blood to supply oxygen and adequate nutrition. 
5 - Physical Activity Lack The daily activity of the body increases your chance of developing high blood pressure because it increases the chances increase Body weight. Also helps to increase inactivity heart because the heart muscles need For greater effort in systole and diastole and thus increase the load on the arteries . 
6 - Smoking :   Works Nicotine Also on Contraction Blood vessels and thus Increased heart work harder .
7 - Eating foods rich in sodium   (Sensitivity of Sodium ) There are people severely Sensitivity of sodium, and therefore That leads to fluid retention in the body and raise the pressure Blood . 
8 - Alcohol : Reason High blood pressure as a result of alcohol is not definitively known. But drinking alcohol with the passage of Time causing serious damage to heart muscles 0.9 - Nervous tension :May result in nervous tension Excess to a temporary rise in blood pressure, but this rise may increase with the passage of time . Also the result of trying to ease nervous tension by eating more food, smokingContinuous or drinking alcohol helps keep blood pressure high . 
10 - Diseases Chronic   Kidney failure and diabetes among the causes of high blood pressure.
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