Psoriasis.. Of the most chronic skin diseases common non-communicable diseases in the world

Psoriasis: A Chronic Skin Disease

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by red, scaly patches, often accompanied by itching, burning, and pain. It affects both genders and can appear at any age, though often manifests between 15 and 25 years old. While not contagious, psoriasis can significantly impact individuals' physical and mental well-being.

Prevalence of Psoriasis as an NCD:

NCDs, also known as chronic diseases, are non-infectious and persist over a long duration. Psoriasis, along with conditions like cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes, falls under this umbrella.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 2-3% of the global population suffers from psoriasis, translating to roughly 125-150 million individuals. This makes it one of the most common NCDs affecting the skin.

Impact of Psoriasis:

Beyond the visible skin lesions, psoriasis can have a profound impact on individuals' lives:

- Physical health:

Psoriasis increases the risk of developing other NCDs like cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, and NAFLD.

- Mental health:

The chronic nature of the condition can lead to depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem due to social stigma and challenges with body image.

- Quality of life:

Psoriasis can limit daily activities, work productivity, and social interactions, affecting overall well-being.

Managing Psoriasis:

While there's no cure for psoriasis, effective treatments can manage the symptoms and improve quality of life. These include:

- Topical medications:

Creams, ointments, and gels containing corticosteroids, vitamin D analogues, and retinoids.

Light therapy:

Phototherapy using ultraviolet (UV) light or lasers to slow skin cell growth.

- Systemic medications:

Oral or injected drugs that suppress the immune system and reduce inflammation.

- Lifestyle modifications:

Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress can play a crucial role in managing psoriasis.

Raising Awareness and Addressing Challenges:

Despite its prevalence, awareness about psoriasis and its impact on individuals' lives remains limited. Raising awareness and promoting education are crucial steps towards ensuring timely diagnosis, access to effective treatment, and reducing the stigma associated with the condition.

By understanding the widespread nature of psoriasis as a chronic NCD and its potential impact on physical and mental health, we can work towards fostering better care, support, and acceptance for individuals living with this condition.

Remember, with proper management and support, people with psoriasis can lead fulfilling and healthy lives.
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