Protective Proteins.. Activate plasma proteins when the microbe enters the body

The complement system (or so-called CMOS) is the number of plasma proteins that referred to the letter With code or the bottom of the letter. Once activated protein complement it activates another protein, and that the result is a series of reactions. And activate the chain requires the presence of a small amount of protein later in the series. And activates complement when the microbe enters the body. There are a series of interactions that when you complete complement proteins to cause holes in the bacterial cell wall and membranes. Since graduated potassium ions, and the intervention of fluids and salts to germ cell to the extent that explode. As a complement edits chemicals attracts macrophages to the site of injury, so it complements some immune responses. This explains the word complementary. For example there are a number of complement proteins associated with pre-covered surfaces of microbes counter Objects.
This ensures that the neutrophil leukocytes and macrophages devour microbes.
When a virus infects a cell tissue, the infected cell you configure and secretion Antrovin (one types limfokain) where Antrovin associated with non-infected cells receptors. This leads to the effect to create cells of a potential attack from cells configured substances interfere with the reproduction of the virus, and be Alantrovin specialist for a particular type, any human use Antrovin can in the man himself, and in the present time makes Alantrovin using recombinant technology..
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