Obesity.. Imbalance between the amount of calories that we eat and the amount of energy consumed

Why obesity is an imbalance between the amount of calories that we eat and the amount of energy we consume
This was attributed to the spread of the phenomenon of the consumption of fast food and soft drinks and fatty containing ratio Of sugar lead to increase the proportion of people who suffer from obesity.
However, there are some diseases that can cause obesity such as substantially diminished thyroid
The genetic factor And hormonal diseases do not constitute only 1% of the causes of obesity in Arab societies
There are two types of obesity (according to the distribution of body fat):
I: Obesity affects the abdomen and chest (upper body), a dangerous type of obesity.
The second: obesity that affects the hips - as is the case when women - which are less serious than the first.
The measure of obesity:
- Waist circumference Waist Circumference When the man:> 102 cm
- Waist circumference in women:> 88 cm
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