Nuts and protect the body from diabetes.. Improve the body's ability to use the hormone insulin blood sugar-regulating

According to a new study conducted by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that women who Istmteating a handful of almonds or walnuts or peanuts or peanut butter a week less susceptible to Type II diabetes compared Ballwata eat these foods are rare. 
The researchers found Americans to risk of diabetes was lower by about 27% in women who ate five ounces of nuts each week who Oklnha little or no Aoklnha at all, and pointed out that this risk decreased by 16% when who ate these foods at one ounce to four ounces every week, despite the presence of other factors that increase the likelihood of disease.
In the view of the new study that unsaturated fats found in nuts may improve the body's ability to use the hormone insulin regulating blood sugar, also supports the results of previous research which showed that eating nuts may be associated with a lower risk of heart disease, which is also affected by insulin and blood sugar levels. 
Experts recommend using a high-fat nuts as substitutes for other foods such as meat and refined grain products, because adding more calories contribute to weight gain, which increases the risk of injuries, diabetes and heart.
The researchers found after following the dietary habits of about 84 thousand women in the United States between the ages of 34 and 59 years for 16 years, is living with diabetes or heart disease or cancer at the beginning of the study, found that women who ate stakes include one ounce of nuts and peanut butter Be less susceptible for diabetes, while not changed risk when those who did not eat these foods, and say the risk when consumed at least five servings of nuts each week about 20%, and say only about 8% when ate less than one serving a week.
And Type II diabetes is the most common form of the disease, and is usually associated with obesity, and it appears in adults and the elderly, and cause a number of complications when neglect Kalamy and amputations, kidney failure, nerve damage and heart disease.
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