Liver function.. Get rid of toxins. Regulate the level of sugar in the blood. Formation of a yellow. Destroy microbes and waste cells

1 - to get rid of toxins.
2 - regulate the level of sugar in the blood.
3 - formation of a yellow Bile.
The liver is the largest factory, the chemicals in the body Hepatic cells represent about 60 % Of the liver tissue and is carried out by any other group of cells in the body are turning most of the food items covered by rights to form the body can use it like:
1 - transfer and storage of sugar until the need for it and there is organizing its level in the blood .
2 - cracking and converted to fat Cholesterol .
3 - Get rid of ammonia and the formation of proteins absorbed a blood clot .
4 - to get rid of toxins and alcohol .
5 - yellow and configuration that you break down what to eat human fat .
There is another type of cells in the liver and liver are Kupffer cells Kupffer (disbelief), which is concerned with the following :
1 - to get rid of old red blood cells .
2 - destroy microbes and waste cells .
Because liver carries out many vital the person may die within 24 hours of the liver stops working .
To identify the functions of the liver and is doing we find the approximately 500 operations functional blood and its components. For this is found organizes all processes and functions of the body through the millions of decisions that gives each apparatus. Moreover chemical processes undertaken, where the exploitation of food and manufactured after receiving from the device digestive, and disposal of wastes and poisons the body. The Ptnazm also the amount of blood sugar . And over the need for stores Kinsa animal glycogen converts to sugar when needed . Liver and unappetizing. This when Iteleyv or inflamed lose our appetite for food . And he makes bile juices secreted in the intestine for digestion of fats. As secreted toxins. Liver in the fasting state and deficiency of blood sugar can store proteins, fats and carbohydrates and convert them into sugar or fats or proteins when you need it. No doubt that the body depends on the liver cells hepatocytes to do many of the vital functions where the organization and the synthesis and secretion of many important materials as yellow material bile components, and cholesterolAnd the types of proteins in blood Kalalbomin albumin (except antibodies ). Liver is important to store nutrients Kalnchae animal glycogen converts glucose Blood, and vitamins and minerals. It also rid the body of toxins and waste. And maintain the level of blood glucose and cholesterol. Vomradh reduce the efficiency of doing vital functions of the body. And more whey proteins (plasma ) Blood albumin. And when they are infected liver function disorder less quantity in the blood serum. Which shows the water retention and tissue swelling .
The liver produces most of the blood clotting proteins. If I said the patient is exposed to bloody Nzpf. The liver cells produce liquid green bile. And secreted in the bile ducts. Stored in the gallbladder secreted in the intestines microprocessor. The liquid contains bile on cholesterol and phospholipids and Baruben resulting from Txbr hemoglobin Red blood cells And bile salts that melt fat during digestion bowel and help absorbed. It may be liquid bile stones blocking the bile ducts. And prevents excreted not digest fat.And has become stool odor. Jaundice shows (Jaundice). Liver manufactures lipoproteins Lipoproteinsmade ​​of cholesterol and Algelesrdat Althelathbh triglycerides, fats phosphorous phospholipids and proteindata .
The liver stores glucose in the form of starch and animal-soluble vitamins in the fat (Vitamins A, D, E andK), folate and vitamin B-12 and minerals such as copper and iron. And the large storage of these materials may harm the liver, which rids the blood of ammonia and toxins and Iholhma to harmless substances. Faihol ammonia to urea kidney with urine excreted. In the case of severe liver disease accumulate ammonia blood . Liver plays a big role in the balance of male hormones testosterone hormone and female hormone estrogen. In the case of cirrhosis of the liver, we find that there is a chronic imbalance appears on the patient especially addicted to alcohol appears symptoms of femininity.The three common diseases that affect liver cancer and cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis. And hepatitis may be caused by Some drugs, alcohol for a long time or exposure to chemicals or drugs heavily. All infections liver damage liver cells permanently and make it swollen and stretched from inflammation.
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