Lines of defense in the human body.. Phagocytic white blood cells. Stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies

In the case of "infiltration" AEA into the Body; facing different defensive lines .. When entering any foreign object to the human body - Whether bacterial cells or components and microbial secretions or even a slice of wood - The internal defense forces of white blood cells, macrophages (Phagocytes) Is directed to place the UFO feature Run out chemical physiological (Chemotaxis) Which attracts these cells to the place of infection to inflammation, where they accumulate and try to eat up this microbe or UFOs and human rid of it the same way that devoured by an animal amoeba - Component of a single cell - Own food .. Had UFO - Interceptor body tissues and blood stream - Protein composition; It works Antigen , Any generator and catalyst - The immune system - For the production of antibodies, these antibodies anti fights a body protein strange union with him, and work to rid the human body than in the case of human exposure to infection with the same microbe for the second time .. We note that some microbial infectious diseases, caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses or animals primary example; does not catch it unless once in old .. Such as measles, mumps, whooping cough, cholera, plague and other infectious diseases .. And that's happening here is that when infection occurs in one of these microbes for the first time, entering the microbe is composed of protein Ghraib (Foreign or non-self protein) Different proteins of the body (Self protein) Be a catalyst and provocative of immune lymph cells in the body to produce antibodies - Modify the special parts of the plasma protein - protein to attack the body of the strange existence, and rid the human body him Bmadelth and Union canceled its effectiveness and side Bodhirah effective, or absorption on the surface and collected; to be easy prey for white blood cells, macrophages (Phagocytes) .. One way or another, the antibodies (Antibodies) Functioning - In the end - To protect the body as anti-venom (Antidotes).
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